Allah asks to read the Bible -351

Published on Jan 19, 2024
Activating the myth of eternal return, islam does believe to muslims that the Koran is the Word of God sent to replace the Gospel that Christians would have falsified, Gospel himself who has been sent for replacing the Torah that Jews would have falsified and so on until coming of Adam (Koran 2.37,41,85-87,213 ; 3.78 ; 4.46-47 ; 5.15,41 ; 20.115 ; 42.13). So, the Jews never thought that their scriptures replaced the others, nor the Christians than theirs replaced those of Jews. And since the Bible of Jews called the Old Testament is fully reproduced in the Bible of Christians, how would the Christians have thought than the Bible of the Jews was falsified ? And why Allah would ask to read the Bible if this one was falsified ? (Koran 10.94 ; Boukhari, 8,82,825) Who finally falsifies the Revelation ?


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