H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III received congratulatory letter from H.H. Dharma King Penor

Published on May 25, 2024
The Palyul network of monasteries is the largest of the six main subsects within the Nyingma sect. Not only was H.H. Dharma King Penor the lineage holder of the Palyul dharma lineage, he was also the third supreme leader of the modern Nyingma sect.
In August of 2007, H.H. Dharma King Penor wrote the following in a letter to dharma kings and rinpoches all over the world: The accomplishments of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III, whose identity has been recognized by numerous eminent monastics and people of great virtue, will enable living beings to leave suffering, attain happiness, and have the karmic conditions to ultimately become Buddhas.


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